deviantart website: www.locasciodesigns.deviantart.com
image copyright Michael Locascio
10 Questions With Michael Locascio

Rodin (link) and Bernini (link) are pretty up there... as for contemporaries, I like Kris Kuksi (link), Richard Macdonald (link), Beth Cavener Stichter (link), Joel Peter Witkin, Vania Zouravilov (link), Roberto Ferri (link), Keith Thompson (link), Dino Valls (link).
2.... do you offer workshops for artists?
I haven't done an open studio or workshops, though I have done a bunch of discussion/interview panels at NY and San Diego Comiccons, and I was a guest sculptor at Blizzcon for a few years.
3.... what do you like to listen to while you work?
Audio books can help pass the time a lot, also movie scores or Tom Waits.
4.... what medium and tools do you use to create your art?
Primarily castilene- a wax with clay-ish properties. I use metal tools that I heat with an alcohol lamp, and an electric heat pen. For larger stuff I use chavant clay.

I try to get in 10-12 hours a day, used to be more before I had a wee chap to take care of.
6.... are you working your dream job?
Pretty much. I started as a fine artist as an apprentice in a bronze monument maker's studio, then got into toys at McFarlane. I loved going to work designing and sculpting for a living. Then I went freelance and began working from home, setting my own hours, and getting more diverse projects. Recently I branched out with some of my own designs with Dellamorte & Co. Combining creativity and craftsmanship is the most enjoyable way to spend my time I can think of.

I think it's always worth striving for- and far better to make the attempt than to leave it as an unfulfilled dream. It is also good to keep a realistic perspective of your skills and prospects- you need that in order to grow and to construct a good plan of action. Also keeping in mind, luck plays a pretty big factor!
8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
deviantart website#1: http://locasciodesigns.deviantart.com/gallery/
deviantart website#2: http://dellamorteco.deviantart.com/gallery/
etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/dellamorteco
9.... was there a certain moment that you knew you wanted to be an artist?
I thought of drawing as a fun hobby, but that's it until I was in high school. I had a teacher who was remarkably encouraging and helped me to take art seriously. I visited Italy my junior year and seeing the Renaissance art in person cemented it, I think.
10.... is there anything else you would like to add or say to other artists?
I have been sculpting for a long time, and I try to keep hold of the notion that I still have a lot to learn. There is always room to improve and refine your techniques, for your creativity to mature. I think being open to that, to maintaining constant practice and accepting insightful critique will keep you growing.

deviantart website#1: http://locasciodesigns.deviantart.com/gallery/
deviantart website#2: http://dellamorteco.deviantart.com/gallery/
etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/dellamorteco
images copyright Michael Locascio
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