website: www.seanandrewmurray.com
blogspot: www.sketchsam.blogspot.com
images copyright Sean Andrew Murray
10 Questions With Sean Andrew Murray
It's hard to narrow it down to one, but it's probably Ian Miller (link). I first spotted his work in the books for Warhammer back in High School and I have been hooked ever since. I have also had the pleasure of meeting him and trading original art with him, which was a thrill.

Not right now, but I am planning on doing some video tutorials for people who pledged to my Kickstarter, and then eventually probably post them on youtube. I also did a tutorial for IMagineFX in January of 2012, it was how to paint like Arthur Rackham.

Scandanavian electronic music, or bands like Muse, The Joy Formidable, Ladytron, Depeche Mode, etc.

mostly pencil (.3mm mechanical pencil), and digital - Photoshop

50 - 60 depending on how crazy the week is

Well, I was recently laid off from my job at Big Huge Games, but yeah, being a concept artist and illustrator is all part of the dream. I have many chapters to my dream, I think, and there are many ahead of me as well.

It is essential to happiness, unless working isn't your thing, or you don't know what you rdream is. You have to find your dream first. I am one of the lucky ones that I discovered mine early in life.
8.... where can people see your work (online, conventions or exhibits)?
my portfolio site: http://seanandrewmurray.blogspot.com and my sketchblog: http://sketchsam.blogspot.com
I plan on being at ComicCon 2013 with a table and everything so that I can unveil my book that I recently got funded on Kickstarter.

It was gradual I think, but in High School when I started to get some positive response to my work.

Trust your own visions, find that "zone" when you are working that makes the work seem effortless. Trust that feeling and even when you lose it, you can find it again. Also, try not to get too complacent.... it's good to feel as if you still have a lot to learn.

website: www.seanandrewmurray.com
blogspot: www.sketchsam.blogspot.com
images copyright Sean Andrew Murray
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